<aside> 💡 About the following steps: Each time someone registers for your event, Livestorm will create or update a lead in Marketo, capturing their email, first name, and last name if provided. This tutorial illustrates how to send and store additional fields to Marketo - and additionally how to save them on the program member level of the linked event.
If you're using Marketo as your Marketing Automation Tool, it is possible for you to connect it to Livestorm.
In addition to the email, first name and last name, you may want to send additional fields to Marketo (such as the job title, company name etc.)
In this article, we’ll show you how to store additional fields from Livestorm to Marketo. There are two possibilities:
⚠️ NB: For the next steps - Marketo and Livestorm should already be configured in order to send Data from Livestorm to Marketo. See related documentation: https://support.livestorm.co/article/231-connect-marketo-livestorm
for your leadsIf you haven’t created this custom field already
⇒ On Marketo: